About Journal


ISSN: 2149-5750

e-ISSN: 2717-7629


Focus and Scope

Florya Chronicles of Political Economy Journal aims to open up to the world under the guidance of science, reach the society it is in, and to publish scientific articles of the essence in accordance with international publishing principles in order to lead their changing and developing demands. And also create a source that will contribute and help develop the fields of study. Accordingly, FCPE’s intentions are on publishing articles and scientific works which are guided by a scientific quality sensibility. In this context, FCPE is qualified as an “international peer-reviewed journal”. It is a peer-reviewed international journal published two times a year.

Florya Chronicles of Political Economy Journal is a peer-reviewed and scientific international journal published twice a year in print and electronically.

  • If support is received, authors should include an acknowledgement at the end of the article.
  • The author(s) of the article must declare that they have no competing interests related to the study.
  • If there is more than one author, the statement "The contribution rates to the study are equal" should be added to the article.




İstanbul Aydin University, TURKEY

Peer Review Process

Manuscripts submitted to the Florya Chronicles of Political Economy are evaluated by two reviewers using a blind peer review system. If one reviewer gives a negative opinion and the other gives a positive opinion, the Editorial Board will review the reviewer reports and decide whether to send the article to a third reviewer or return it to the author. In order for the article to be published, at least two referees must give a positive opinion. Articles are checked with iThenticate similarity software. After the reports of the referees are completed, the manuscripts are ready for publication if approved by the Editorial Board and are published in the number deemed appropriate, taking into account the order of acceptance.

Publishing Period

Florya Chronicles of Political Economy Journal; It is published twice a year, April and October. Articles are not accepted for a certain number of journals. Authors can submit their article at any time. The articles whose evaluation process is completed are published taking into consideration the arrival date.

Open Access Policy

FCPE adopted a policy of providing open access. This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

Publication Charge

Authors are not charged for the journal's article submission, editorial process or publication fees (page or color fees).

Principles of Research and Publication Ethics

In scientific manuscripts submitted to FCPE, the guidelines related to Scientific Research and Publication Ethics of Higher Education Institutions, ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) recommendations and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) International Standards for Editors and Authors should be taken into consideration. Similarity, falsification or misleading of data, repetition of publications, splitting of publications and the inclusion as authors of persons who did not contribute to the research are unacceptable practices under the ethical rules. The necessary legal measures will be taken with regard to the availability of this and similar applications and in the event of any ethical irregularities.

a) Similarity: Presenting the original problems, methods, conditions or standards of others as one's own work, in whole or in part, without appropriate reference, and treating them within the scope of similarity. To avoid similarity, authors should cite according to scientific rules and pay attention to the citation of all scientific articles in their research.

b) Forgery of Data: The use of data that does not exist or is modified in scientific research is data in the scope of forgery. Authors should analyze their data in accordance with ethical rules and without exposing them to a change in validity and reliability during the process.

c) Detortion: Changing the records or data obtained from the study, showing the devices or materials that are not used in the research as used, changing or shaping the research results according to the interests of the people and organizations that are supported are considered within the scope of distortion. The authors should be honest, objective and transparent in the information they provide in relation to the research process. They should avoid violating the rules of ethics.

d) Repetition: Presenting the same publication as separate publications without referring to the previous publications is considered within the scope of repetition of publications. The responsibility for the publication of the publications submitted for evaluation in another place or in the evaluation process belongs to the authors. The authors should refrain from repeating the original and original research and they should pay attention to submit their original and original research.

e) Divisional publication: Dividing the results of research into parts in a way that compromises the integrity of the research and is inappropriate, publishing them in more than one issue, and presenting these publications as separate publications are considered to be divisional publications. Authors should consider research integrity and avoid splitting results.

f) Authorship: The inclusion of people who do not contribute to the research or not to include the people who have contributed is considered within the scope of unfair writing. All authors should have contributed sufficiently to the planning, design, data collection, analysis, evaluation, preparation of the research and finalization of the research.

Plagiarism Policy

All the papers submitted have to pass through an initial screening and will be checked through the Advanced Plagiarism Dectection Software (CrossCheck by iThenticate)

Articles of FCPE Journal to be evaluated must not exceed similarity rate 15%. 


Copyright aims to protect the specific way the article has been written to describe a scientific research in detail. It is claimed that this is necessary in order to protect author’s rights, and to regulate permissions for reprints or other use of the published research. FCPE have a copyright form which is required authors to sign over all of the rights when their article is ready for publication.

FCPE does not allow authors to use copyright without restriction. Responsibility for technical content and protection of proprietary material rests solely with the author and the institutions and is not the responsibility of FCPE or the Editorial Board. The lead author is responsible for ensuring that the manuscript is seen by all other authors. It is the author's responsibility to obtain all necessary copyright permissions for the use of copyrighted materials in the article before submission.

What are my rights as author?

It is important to check the policy for the journal to which you are submitting or publishing to establish your rights as Author. FCPE’s standard policies allow the following re-use rights:

The journal does not allows the author(s) to use the articles without copyright restrictions.

You may use the published article for your own teaching needs or to supply on an individual basis to research colleagues, provided that such supply is not for commercial purposes.

You may not post the published article on a website without permission from FCPE.

Call For Papers

FCPE will bring together academics and professionals coming from different fields to discuss their differing points of views on these questions related to “social sciences”.

Main Topics of FCPE

  • Economics
  • Business
  • Public Administration
  • Political Science
  • International Relations

Publication language of FCPE

Turkish and English

Article Submission

Articles are accepted only through Dergipark.


İstanbul Aydın University

İstanbul – Turkey

e-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]

Tel: +90212  4441428