Editor's Message

From the President

Being a university does not only mean continuing education and training activities. In addition to these activities, the University is responsible for the healthy and high-quality execution of social and academic activities. One of our main objectives is to evaluate and share the smallest output produced by every academic staff working at our university. Publication activities carried out with this aim in mind are our most prioritized academic endeavor. It has been decided to publish academic journals in all science, technology and art disciplines within our body in order to contribute to Istanbul Aydın University in academic journal publishing, which we see as the main medium for transferring experiences to young generations.

I hope that the Florya Chronicles of Political Economy journal will contribute to the production of scientific works by both Turkish and international researchers and to the literary development of our country in the scientific field. I would like to thank the editor, referees and authors of the journal for their contributions.

Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aydın

Chairman of the Board of Trustees


From the Rector

İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi içindeki tüm fakültelerimiz önemlidir ve gereklidir. Ama üniversitemizin teknoloji, iletişim ve sosyal bilimler alanında çalışmaların yapılması adına pek çok öğrenciyi yetiştiren İletişim Fakültemiz yeni medya, halkla ilişkiler, reklam gibi alanlarda araştırma yapılması adına önemli yazınla üretmektedir. Kurumların ulusal ve uluslararası ölçekte tanıtılması için yayınların yararı kuşkusuz tartışılmazdır. Akademik dergi yayıncılığında varlığını ortaya koyan “İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Dergisi”, alanında önemli ve ciddi bir adımdır. İletişim Fakültesi dekanı Prof. Selahattin Yıldız’a şahsında, derginin yayına hazırlanmasında emeği geçen herkesi kutluyor, başarılı bir yayın hayatı diliyorum.

Prof. Dr. Yadigâr İZMİRLİ

IAU Rector


From the Editors

Florya Chronicles of Political Economy (FCPE) Journal is published by İstanbul Aydın University Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences. FCPE accepts articles from Business Administration, Economics, Political Science, International Relations and Public Administration areas. Articles and book reviews submitted to FCPE are exposed to careful and rigorous editorial processes and aim to contribute to national and international academic studies. FCPE is now indexed in Sobiad and Assos Indexes and aims to join ULAKBIM TR Index as soon as possible. The journal aims to join prestigious international publication indexes in the future.

Assoc. Prof. İbrahim Murat KASAPSARAÇOĞLU

Asst. Prof. Hazar Vural JANE

FCPE Editors